You Are a CEO shares a generous 55% of it's revenue to support the A-Club affiliate opportunity. To make sure that THERE IS NO QUESTION regarding ethical and honest foundation the A-Club was built on, the compensation system only pays people from money that comes from the products and services sold.
Why is this important? Most online earning opportunities that compensate over multi-levels are seen as MLM schemes in which most of the money is made from you selling the opportunity to make money and NOT BASED ON A REAL PRODUCT OR SERVICE. In essence, these companies focus on building wealth by requiring you to keep buying a product (that is often a physical product you do not need or don't need that much of) to qualify for payment. In addition, they reward you MUCH MORE for signing up distributors who are agreeing to sell the product. Many times this leads to a pyramid scheme in which a few people make a lot of money simply by getting distributors to continuously sell the opportunity to make money so they can earn lucrative bonuses and some times receive expensive gifts.
I am sorry I am going on and on about what other companies do, but I know what some of these guys do and it really angers me. They have made it hard for those who want to use one of the best models there is for an every day person to create wealth. You ever wonder why so many people say an MLM is a scheme, however the FTC or any other organization has never shut the industry down? This is because it really is a legal business as long as it is done the right way. In fact, there was over $6 billion dollars generated from the MLM industry and over $200 billion from direct sales.